A Note on Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimates

In Phase Two, the Finalists were asked to perform and submit a Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate for their design concepts.

The Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimates do not reflect total project costs and do not include soft costs, such as insurance, financing, legal fees, regulatory approvals, administrative fees, finance costs, land acquisition, comprehensive engineering costs, or professional fees. These also do not include optional or alternate components of the competition concept.

The Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate total for construction for each Finalist is as follows:

These Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate materials were submitted by the Finalists as part of their Phase Two Submissions and are provided herein for information only. The Port Authority makes no representation as to, and shall not be responsible for their accuracy, completeness or pertinence, and shall not be responsible for the conclusions to be drawn there from. They are being provided merely for the purpose of providing such information as is in the possession of the Port Authority, whether or not such information may be accurate, complete or pertinent.